PRESS RELEASE–Ghost Horse World is participating in this year’s Taos Winter Wine Festival! Happening in the last weekend of January, the festival will be a four-day celebration of food and wine with numerous participating local restaurants and over 40 national wineries, Ghost Horse World, a St. Helena winery, included.
Events will be held all around the town of Taos as well as at the Taos Ski Valley, which will culminate in Saturday evening’s Grand Tasting. Events include:
Wine Seminars
Wine Dinners
Reserve Tasting & Taste of Taos
Grand Tasting
On-mountain Apres Ski
“It’s going to be a really exciting and fun week. I am looking forward to seeing many of our Ghost Horse World fans,” Todd Anderson, celebrity winemaker and Ghost Horse World winery owner, said. Ghost Horse World wine is made in St. Helena California by Todd Anderson.
Reserve Tasting is available on January 28th from 4:30-7:00pm. Wine Country will come to the historic town of Taos with Taos’ best restaurants to serve signature appetizers alongside tastes of reserve wine from owners and winemakers from 40 participating wineries at the elegant El Monte Sagrado. The Opening Night Reserve Tasting will also feature a silent auction of wine for the benefit of Taos High School Culinary Arts Program.
The “Grand Tasting,” which is the culminating event of the festival, will happen on January 30th from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm. This Grand Tasting will be held at the Taos Ski Valley Resort Center (at the foot of chair lift #1) where more than 150 different wines from 40 participating wineries and tastes from a dozen of Taos and Taos Ski Valley’s finest restaurants will be featured. A silent auction will add to the fun.
Several interesting seminars and films will also be available including: 2016 Film, “A Year in Burgundy”; Seminar on Pride Mountains, Ridge Monte Bello, Italian Masterclass with Shelley Lindgren, Calera Pinot Noir Seminar, Wines of Burgundy, and Willamette Valley Pinor Noir.
Tickets are on sale now for Taos Winter Wine Festival tickets. Don’t forget to drop by Ghost Horse World’s booth during your visit.
For more information, go to